Friday, March 30, 2007

Section 59 Media Coverage

My goodness Tv 1 and Tv 3 included pro-repeal protestors as well as anti-repeal, I do not understandy why people are so suprised.

There was also coverage in the Herald, The Dom Post, Hawkes Bay Today, Otago Daily Times and The Press. (no doubt others as well)

I think it is great to see the media showing that people on both sides are vocal, and I think that it is great to see young people who are future parents in this country standing up for children's rights.


Just my opinion said...

It's not childrens rights at all, and its pretty dodgy that you persist on spinning this as a debate about childrens rights and parents who want to beat their children.

It is pretty shaky politically, and it will harm you at the polling booth. Have you thought about that?

Anonymous said...

well the funny thing is that Labour actually isn't all about the "polling booth". The point of being in government is not to be disingenuous to your values in an attempt to "win win win" even though National has flip flopped around being disingenuous. Labour instead stands up for what it believes in...Didn’t you all say Labour would lose in 2005 because of the civil union act?

Just my opinion said...

I never said that. I support the right to anybody getting married, as do 99.9% of my ACT colleagues.

Ths on the other hand is a bigger kettle of fish. It is calling all parents who have hit their kids "abusers" (if you listen to Bradford and Clark) and potentially making all parents criminals.

I see now that Police are saying CYFS will be called any any parents who get caught spanking their kids. I remember reading once about people being informed to spy on their neighbours.....

Span said...

It's funny how people (or maybe it's just Clint) keep saying that Clark has said anyone who smacks their child is an "abuser" (or "violent offender" as someone said she said, on my blog). I've been a bit busy with work, but I'm pretty sure I haven't seen any media reports of Clark saying anything like that...

Just my opinion said...

Span, many blogs and commenters by left wingers have called supporters of this amendment child beaters and have said the opponents see this as their right to beat their kids. Utter nonsense.

Perhaps you have yet to read too much from your blog mates? :)

Am glad though that over 80% of people still disagree with the Govt spin of this amendment, although not surprised Labour etc have started to single out groups like Family First and Destiny Church in their attempts to kill the opposition, rather than debate the merits (or lack of) in this amendment.