I have just been informed by a reputable NZ celebrity(as reputable as any of them can be) that today is Compliment Day.
So go forth and compliment your family and friends, or even the random you see on the street or sit next to on the bus.
To my fellow bloggers on Red Confectionery you girls rock!!!
To people who challenge my thoughts you do a great job (even if I do not like your opinions)
And to the Hurricanes - you guys are the best.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Over on DPF's blog under the post about how close the anti-child abuse law reform bill is going to be(or as the right phrase it "anti-smacking") one commenter has the ignorance to comapre abortion to child abuse. I am furious.
I am sitting at work seething over these comments and should Whale Oil's blogger bash take place, I want to fight these SOBs and take them down. It is people like this that make me sick, how dare they accuse a woman of being a child abuser when she has a termination. If anything by terminating an unwanted pregnancy, this baby is not going to be neglected because it is not wanted, or she may be going through this because she can not provide adequate care for herself during pregnancy and when a baby is born. If anything terminations help prevent child abuse to an extent.
I am arguing with them under the comments but I can not believe that people still are SO opposed to terminations. I certainly do not advocate women to be careless in sex because termination is an option, but I certnaily do believe that it is a woman's right to choose whether she keeps her baby and I do not think that anyone else has ANY right to judge her for her decision - she needs support, as it would be one the biggest decisions she would ever have had to face.
And as for men commenting on it, I know you are entitled to your opinions but as the sex that will never be in that position I do not think that you can possibly identify or feel compassion towards women who find themselves in such a terrifying situation and therefore do not bring the emotional as well as medical and physical complexities to the situation.
I am sitting at work seething over these comments and should Whale Oil's blogger bash take place, I want to fight these SOBs and take them down. It is people like this that make me sick, how dare they accuse a woman of being a child abuser when she has a termination. If anything by terminating an unwanted pregnancy, this baby is not going to be neglected because it is not wanted, or she may be going through this because she can not provide adequate care for herself during pregnancy and when a baby is born. If anything terminations help prevent child abuse to an extent.
I am arguing with them under the comments but I can not believe that people still are SO opposed to terminations. I certainly do not advocate women to be careless in sex because termination is an option, but I certnaily do believe that it is a woman's right to choose whether she keeps her baby and I do not think that anyone else has ANY right to judge her for her decision - she needs support, as it would be one the biggest decisions she would ever have had to face.
And as for men commenting on it, I know you are entitled to your opinions but as the sex that will never be in that position I do not think that you can possibly identify or feel compassion towards women who find themselves in such a terrifying situation and therefore do not bring the emotional as well as medical and physical complexities to the situation.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Despite always getting sick when I have even one of these evil pills, I still think we should be allowed to take them.
Sign MikeE's petition...
xx L
Sign MikeE's petition...
xx L
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
My Head Hurts

Last night I was priviledged enough to get an "invite" to the Team Vic launch at the Establishment, and not only that but I also got to sit with all the important people ie Geoff as well as Conrad Smith (Yes, the All Black)
He was a really really nice guy, and we all had some good conversations with him, however he did steal my dessert!!! ( He could be a potential patron God - fits all below criteria)
Was out until 3am-ish after hitting the Establishment at 6pm, thought I had set my alarm for 9am as the joy of my job means I can start and finish whenever I want if I don't have any meetings, however somehow I was AT work at 9am, so must have set alarm wrong in my drunken stupor, now my head hurts, I feel sick when I stand up, want a pie knowing it will make me feel better, but also means I will HAVE to go to gym this arvo, when I really just wanna head home and go to bed.
I don't think I have been so drunk on a Tuesday night since my first year shenanigans in Weir House.
He was a really really nice guy, and we all had some good conversations with him, however he did steal my dessert!!! ( He could be a potential patron God - fits all below criteria)
Was out until 3am-ish after hitting the Establishment at 6pm, thought I had set my alarm for 9am as the joy of my job means I can start and finish whenever I want if I don't have any meetings, however somehow I was AT work at 9am, so must have set alarm wrong in my drunken stupor, now my head hurts, I feel sick when I stand up, want a pie knowing it will make me feel better, but also means I will HAVE to go to gym this arvo, when I really just wanna head home and go to bed.
I don't think I have been so drunk on a Tuesday night since my first year shenanigans in Weir House.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Sunday mornings
In a momentary lapse of sense I offered to work this morning. Now I'm sitting at a desk, bleary eyed, my body trying to get over the shock of being up early on a Sunday. (I got up ages ago, but yes, noon is still very early!!)
However, I'm working early so I can go out for dinner tonight - excitement - love going out for dinner!
Anyway, I thought it was time our Patron God was changed. (again) Especially considering that the current one is of questionable sexuality - not that it matters, because we are on a voluntary "man drought" at Red Confectionery - but it is time someone else was given the extraordinary honour of being adored by us.
There are a few nice politicians in New Zealand (Darren Hughes and "Hot Nat" Matt Patterson spring to mind) but unfortunately, the world of politics is a very small sphere and any public expression of affection is likely to be met with a bumping into each other along Lambton Quay. Awkward silences follow... (Oh my God, you're that freak from the internet?!) Plenty more yummy guys to be distracted with at work though.
First of all, I am introducing a thing I like to call, "Standards." These are the criteria that any Patron God of ours must meet:
However, I'm working early so I can go out for dinner tonight - excitement - love going out for dinner!
Anyway, I thought it was time our Patron God was changed. (again) Especially considering that the current one is of questionable sexuality - not that it matters, because we are on a voluntary "man drought" at Red Confectionery - but it is time someone else was given the extraordinary honour of being adored by us.
There are a few nice politicians in New Zealand (Darren Hughes and "Hot Nat" Matt Patterson spring to mind) but unfortunately, the world of politics is a very small sphere and any public expression of affection is likely to be met with a bumping into each other along Lambton Quay. Awkward silences follow... (Oh my God, you're that freak from the internet?!) Plenty more yummy guys to be distracted with at work though.
First of all, I am introducing a thing I like to call, "Standards." These are the criteria that any Patron God of ours must meet:
- He must be a New Zealander. We're not being racist; instead we're applying affirmative action - Kiwi men need recognition for their talents.
- He must be capable of conversation and not be socially inept. "So, do you like stuff?" is not an adequate conversation starter.
- Hotness is a bonus, but not a requirement. Since we're PC we'll just pretend to believe this but know that deep down our loins will never crave, say Miles from The Holiday.
- This is not a must but I find it really attractive when a guy has this look of quiet amusement in his eyes all the time, like he finds everything really funny or something. This usually corresponds with a sense of humour, which is a requirement for Godliness.
At the moment, Jeremy Wells fits these requirements perfectly. He's beautiful, absolutely beautiful. And possibly one of the most hilarious people in television. I also suspect he is a leftie. Oh, to have him as my very own newsboy...
Enjoy the eye candy, girls...
Saturday, February 10, 2007
(Happens to be a good bar on Ponsy Rd by the way)
Oh dear. It seems we are regressing. This shit makes me so angry. When a problem arises in the community, blame the women...
Oh dear. It seems we are regressing. This shit makes me so angry. When a problem arises in the community, blame the women...
Friday, February 09, 2007
Did Anyone Else Know?

I just received an email at work saying that Anna Nicole Smith is dead.
She died after collapsing in a hotel. It has been a tough past year for poor ol' Anna, with her son, who was also a very close friend to her dying, and then men arguing over who was the father of her recent baby.
Anna Nicole has been surrounded by controversy, especially when she married 89-year-old J. Howard Marshall II who had a multi-million dollar family fortune, so on his death their has been an ongoing battle between Anna Nicole and Marshall's son over who is entitled to the money.
Anna Nicole's claim to fame was her appearance in Playboy Magazine and more recently her significant weight loss, which was thanks to help of diet pills.
I have been told that this IS true, but should anyone know otherwise, I would love to know.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Mexican Wave
As many people know the Mexican wave has been banned at sporting venues in Australia, I am outraged at this. I understand that it because of the things that get thrown but NEWSFLASH you don't have to be doing a Mexican wave to throw things - the human is able to throw things without having the rest of the crowd do it also.
Therefore, at the cake tin on Friday 16 Feb, where the Aussies will play the Blackcaps, I propose that anyone there attempts to start a full circle Mexican wave within the stadium. This will signal that:
1) Mexican Waves ARE fun and NOT dangerous
2) In protest at what the Australians have done in Australia (because it means Kiwi supporters can't do them either)
3) That NZers will not be stopped from being allowed to mexican wave, at least not in NZ
Which ultimately leaves the Kiwis with one up on the Aussies
Therefore, at the cake tin on Friday 16 Feb, where the Aussies will play the Blackcaps, I propose that anyone there attempts to start a full circle Mexican wave within the stadium. This will signal that:
1) Mexican Waves ARE fun and NOT dangerous
2) In protest at what the Australians have done in Australia (because it means Kiwi supporters can't do them either)
3) That NZers will not be stopped from being allowed to mexican wave, at least not in NZ
Which ultimately leaves the Kiwis with one up on the Aussies
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Happy Waitangi Day

So it's Waitangi Day again and I certainly am not out celebrating, unlike on Australia Day.
It would be great if Waitangi Day got turned into the same celebration as our counterparts across the ditch.
What have I done to mark today? Well as many know I am a hopeless romantic and yet have never seen 'Dirty Dancing', so I have just finished watching it and now understand why everyone raves about it, it is truly a fanatstic romance movie and makes one *sigh* and only hope one day that same form of love will happen to me.
Dirty Dancing is definitely up there now as one of my favourites.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Blonde Moment #1

Seriously. The shit girls go through to be hairless.
I was getting ready to go out last night, and thought I would give myself a quick wax. I have this great stuff: Naughty Nads. Actually, all-hair-wax-is-evil-and-only-reinforces-servitude-to-the-sexual-gratification-of-men. And it is so painful use. But, unfortunately, the best way to get rid of hair.
I placed the jar in the microwave to turn the wax into a substance suitable for ripping hairs off. I took it out after a minute and it was still solid. I put it on for another minute and got distracted trying to find a dress to wear.
I live in an apartment and the microwave is on top of the fridge. When I took the jar out of the microwave it was so hot that it practically resembled hot oil... but I was unaware of this until a little bit spilt on my hand, and then I had no choice - human pain reflexes - I dropped the jar. Most of the wax landed on my healthy, innocent unsuspecting leg. (which is kind of good as I don't know how the hell I'm going to get the rest of the stuff off the kitchen floor...)
Anyway, unfortunately the wax also wouldn't come off my leg, which was still burning. I tried to rip a bit off, as I usually would while waxing, but it took a piece of my skin with it. Ew ew ew ew. Apparently hot water also takes it off, but hot water is not very accomodating to burns. THERE WAS NOTHING IN THE INSTRUCTIONS TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH WAX BURNS. I felt shocked and angry. I would've gone to A & E but they are way too slow for my liking. I also had to be somewhere and would have received a grilling if I did not show up, burnt or not.
The wax ended up coming off with the little towelettes that came with the wax, but it was a very painful few 15 minutes. I now have a long stretch of blisters up my leg big enough to impede my walking. Not very nice. Not nice at all. And my skirt is covered with popped blister juice. (God I can be graphic sometimes)
I guess this is one of those cases like the novelty contact lenses, but I do think products should cater for accidents with advice in the packaging. Even a small word of comfort for whoever happens to be a victim of waxing. Just a little "The pain will go away soon and it will be worth it" would be great, thanks.
If you happen to be male, next time you hear that your girlfriend used hairwax - be grateful. Be very grateful. Shower her with affection and gifts. Emphasis on the gifts. Not only is waxing a bitch to do, it has a large degree of risk associated with it.
xx L
UPDATE: People at work told me to go to the doctor, went last night - had to go to a PRIVATE hospital!! - Doctor said they were 1st degree burns, bordering on 2nd. Doctor was really good looking, some kind of Heath Ledger look a like.
Doctor: "Sorry do you mind if I pull up your skirt a little to see it?"
Oh er, don't mind if I do, missus!!
Going back today to get dressing changed. Should be fun.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Kia Ora

The name change and redesign were the result of a combined effort by staff at Air New Zealand and ACP Magazines, who have custom-published the title for almost three years.
The magazine’s new look was designed to reflect a friendly, relaxed and more colloquial Kiwi flavour, with a fresh and contemporary feel.
“We liked ‘KiaOra’ as a title because of its warm, relaxed and welcoming meaning in Maori,” said Air New Zealand General Manager Marketing Steve Bayliss. “It recognises our country’s heritage and embraces Air New Zealand’s friendly and hospitable culture.”
Other changes to the magazine include bold section title pages, a fresh colour palette and new editorial features including interviews with prominent Kiwis about their travel secrets, and profiles of small New Zealand towns.
ACP Magazine’s editorial director in charge of custom publishing, Sally Duggan, said the ACP team was thrilled with the revamp, which delivers plenty of fresh new features for readers as well as better matching the airline’s brand image: “Custom-published magazines need to deliver on two fronts -- to reader, of course, but also to the client. KiaOra magazine does the job brilliantly.”
The magazine has prospered since it became part of the ACP Magazine stable, posting readership growth of more than 50 per cent over the period from April 2004 to mid 2006. Current readership is 279,000.* Every month 65,000 copies of the magazine are distributed on Air New Zealand flights. ACP Magazines also publishes Air New Zealand’s entertainment magazine, a monthly 24-page guide to the airlines inflight entertainment options.
Other ACP custom published magazines include the bimonthly parenting title, Little Treasures magazine and the New Zealand Rugby Football Union’s test match programmes.
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