I am now back in Auckland after a week long holiday visiting my mother in Nelson.
The weather was lovely, people were friendly and the night life was practically non existent. Lulu requested me to take pictures of "Out of Towners" but for some odd reason they (the out of towners) kept looking at me weirdly or questioning my intentions to photograph them.
Perhaps it was the fact that there was no beautiful scenery nearby but just ordinary street backgrounds or the trolley bay near the entrance of First Choice Supermarket.
I did manage to capture the Out of Towner Dog- See below
Compared to the "bitches" of Remuera (See below) who are usually christened with names of insects (Cricket), food (Honey) and fairytale characters (Tinkerbell). Out of Towner dogs have manly names like Butch and Mutt.
Can you imagine the outcry if Tinkerbell got knocked up by an Out of Towner dog? Scandalous.
We-hay! Sounds like a great adventure. We really need to do the full experience in Oz though, I'm sure the country is full of them.
And we'll be subtle when we photograph them...
Perhaps next time i shall done the out of towner fashion to fit in.
Indeed girls - visit my home town of Katherine in the Northern Territory. You can't meet more "aussie" blokes and sheilas.
Now now, Nelson is a very civilised place apart from the lack of nightlife!
I thnk I even know where you took that photo!
The nightlife is very non existent and yes Heine Nelson is a bit more civilized than other parts of the country.
However there is still a lot of the Out of Towners prancing the streets of Traflagar and Hardy st.
I'm naming my dog (when I get him/her) cricket. But its definitely not after an insect :)
xx K
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