It seems that 2008 is already slipping by quickly. Im suppose to be looking for temp work ( p.s if anyone knows any work - get in touch) but have spent most of my time with friends, in the sun with a book or nearby water as often as possible. New Years was grand and much more than how I expected 2007 to end.
Usually I go away for New Years but it seemed that 2007 was to be spent in Auckland all because of poor planning and recent tragic events. Red Rasputin with my assistance hosted a party where it began all civilized and ended as one dirty mess at the end. I bought my camera to the event to find that battery was dead so only a few pictures could be taken. Note: Pictures on facebook- tho not that exciting and poor quality since I still don't know how to work the damm thing and am still looking for my camera charger.
Like all parties, it was all very civilized at first, there was the small talk, people bought alcohol and food in and politics as usual was mentioned.
But as soon as the bells rang and people got 2007 out of the way; the real party began. 42 Below was bought out, shots were drank and the cd kept skipping. A small group of us after our very poor attempt at saying happy new year went to the back of the house to watch fireworks. It was lovely and pretty and all seen at a safe distance. So I thought until bright colored pink light started to zoom towards me and lit various parts of my skirt on fire. At first I was oblivious to the whole thing until I smelt smoke and first thoughts came through my mind to which action followed.
First thoughts being "What a nuisance" and first action being a swipe and shake of the hand. The small fires were let out and I went back to the party shifting the now burnt part of skirt to the side. The rest of the party was grand, the neighbor came over to see if I was okay, a bottle of Bacardi was given as a gift and I managed to arrive home on New Years day at 7.30am.
But now 2008 is here and I have about a month to sort myself out for Sydney. I need money, lots of it pronto. HELP!
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