Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The System just gets Sicker

National Party Health Spokesperson Tony Ryall has commented on the on-going disputes in our country's hospitals.

The Public are getting tired of never knowing if staff will be at the hospital to assist them should they fall ill, and are literally getting sick because they are told not to go to hospitals but see their local GP, who often have a large waiting time.

Minister of Health Pete Hodgson does not appear to be doing anything for the New Zealand Health System, any additional money being pumped into the system is not increasing staff wages and salaries which are much needed and deserved, waiting lists are not being decreased, but the money is being swallowed up by management and bureaucracy.

Talk to most health system employees and they are disgruntled with the system and particularly the Minister, many commenting that getting rid of Annette and bringing in Pete was a stupid mistake on Labour's part.


Seamonkey Madness said...

"I can feel the anger within you. Strike your father down and replace him at my side..."

Paraphrasing the Emperor from ROTJ

Anonymous said...

"Talk to most health system employees and they are disgruntled with the system and particularly the Minister, many commenting that getting rid of Annette and bringing in Pete was a stupid mistake on Labour's part."

Gotta love that anecdotal evidence for ya. How big was your sample size Welly Girl?

Captain Calculus said...

Hey steady on!!! I'm going to need to reclassify this blog if this hue of post continues

Just my opinion said...

The sad thing is Welly Girl, *most* health sector employees are unhappy most of the time, no matter who is government. After all, it isn't a happy profession when you're surrounded by death and illness.

Getting rid of Annette/Pete whoever. Having a health system like New Zealands model is always going to have unhappy people working within it. People want to be able to do their job and no amount of government meddling from either party won't solve it until we get the actual service right.

And as for Tony Ryall? Sheesh. I guess absence does make te heart grow fond!